Tuesday, June 21, 2011

[Johnathan on...] His Religious Views

Hmm where to start... how about the beginning?
I was raised on Sunday church going. I believe my parents once told me they wanted me to see for myself. I thank them for such open-mindedness. Anyhow this didn't last long for me. My teachers told me there was a God, i said where? They said "In Heaven of course!" I said where's that? "Well... up? somewhere?" I couldn't help but laugh at this concept, i didn't know if they were implying higher dimensions or if they even knew.

Curiosity got the better of me as i grew older. I sought out such answers, and found nothing but science. Science taught me evolution, some are confused when you tell them we came from "monkeys", but i would call that pure ignorance. I mean have you seen chimpanzees? They in fact share 97% of our genetic code. I don't see an issue. As the years went on i kept myself updated with all science, i learned of black holes in the center of galaxies, of carbon which made up every living thing (exceptions lie at the bottom of oceans in sulfur based organisms :p ), of new found theories like the big bang theory. All in all i became enveloped. I didn't see any place for a God nor a need for one. Everything was slowly being answered by scientists. Still, i went deeper. Learning Einstein's theories of relativity and his famous E=mc2 formula, one that told us how matter and energy are really one and the same. Eventually learning something about quantum mechanics, the study of the invisibly small. I sought out such a "god" here in this tiny world, a world where the magical becomes the observable. Still no such God was found. Even the impossible was being explained.
Scientist were discovering a localized area of the brain that could be responsible for a "God feeling", a spot that could make you feel the divine and even allow one to experience the presence of such a God. But even here there was no room for such a thing. The brain is being "decoded" to this day, more and more answers are found and more and more questions are being posed. But not questions of God, instead questions of the workings of the Universe itself. I have grown to love such questions, only these are the questions that can satisfy my overwhelming curiosity. Only these questions have the answers i am looking for. I have never understood the world i live in, nor has anyone. If they do they are sadly mistaken. For such an knowledge i fear, is beyond humans themselves. Never-the-less we, the physicists, push on. In search of new answers, new ideas, and new understandings.
Ask me my religion and i will tell you i do not believe in religion. I am not agnostic, i am not an atheist, and i am not an agnostic-atheist. If anything call me a "realist". Sure i have my own ideas on how or why this is the way it all works. I have many in-fact. Maybe i will share some secrets in later posts. :)

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